
Bulk Copy

A common scenario with databases is “bulk copy”; in the case of SQL Server, this is exposed via SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer, which allows a data feed to be pumped into a table very efficiently and rapidly.

The problem is: that data feed needs to be a DataTable, a DbDataReader, or similar; but your application code is likely to be using objects, for example a List<Customer> or a IEnumerable<Order> sequence.

What we need is a mechanism to turn IEnumerable<T> (or IAsyncEnumerable<T>) into a DbDataReader, suitable for use with SqlBulkCopy!

This is not a feature that vanilla Dapper provides; a library from my distant past, FastMember, can help bridge this gap, but like Dapper it is based on runtime reflection, and is not AOT compatible.

Introducing TypeAccessor

A new API in Dapper.AOT gives us what we need - welcome TypeAccessor! Usage is simple:

IEnumerable<Customer> customers = ...
var reader = TypeAccessor.CreateDataReader(customers);

This gives us a DbDataReader that iterates over the provided sequence. We can optionally specify a subset of instance properties/fields to expose (and their order) - and we can start from either IEnumerable<T> or IAsyncEnumerable<T>.

To use this with SqlBulkCopy, we probably want to specify columns explicitly:

using var table = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)
    DestinationTableName = "Customers",
    ColumnMappings =
        { nameof(Customer.CustomerNumber), nameof(Customer.CustomerNumber) }
        { nameof(Customer.Name), nameof(Customer.Name) }
table.EnableStreaming = true;
    [nameof(Customer.Name), nameof(Customer.CustomerNumber)]));
return table.RowsCopied;

This writes the data from our customers sequence into the Customers table. To be explicit, we’ve specified the column mappings manually, although you can often omit this. Likewise, we have restricted the DbDataReader to only expose the Name and CustomerNumber members.

This all works using generated AOT-compatible code, and does not require any additional libaries other than Dapper.AOT.